by C. Walker The study of aesthetics bothers itself with one primary question, among others: what is beauty? For people all over the world, beauty means something seemingly different. Yet, there are things that we all consider beautiful. As well as this, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase … More Beauty: A Definition and Theistic Suggestion
Beauty: A Definition and Theistic Suggestion
Three Poems
By Nathan Cook Meditation Accordion shades are drawn, but the sun still dances delicately into my room, illuminating the void created from the lack of artificial light. The sun’s footwork shines and pivots off the alloy of the back of my computer. The laptop presents a black screen but calming, … More Three Poems
Behold! A Mind!: A Defense of Emergentism Against Reductionism
By Sophia Gottfried “Behold! A mind!” The reductionist broke down the door to my academy with a bang. He struts in triumphant and throws down a wet, blobfish-like, object onto the floor with a splat sound. However, something smells fishy to me about this mind, as it does not appear … More Behold! A Mind!: A Defense of Emergentism Against Reductionism